New Student Enrollment
Outlined below are the documents required to enroll new students.
Required Documents for New Student Enrollment:
Transcript from prior school (high school only)
Current report card from prior school
Discipline record from prior school
Withdrawal form from prior school
Mississippi Immunization Form 121 (original from your doctor’s office)
Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Custody Papers (if parents are divorced or parent not listed on the birth certificate)
One of the following in the parent’s name:
Mortgage Document
Homestead Exemption
Rental or Lease Agreement (all occupants must be listed on the agreement and agreement must be current)
One bill in the parent’s name showing the street address and dated within the last 60 days:
A “Declaration of Residency Affidavit” is required when a student resides with their parent or guardian in a home or apartment not owned or leased in the name of the parent or guardian.
Current Student Enrollment
Outlined below are the documents required to enroll current students.
Required Documents for Current Student Enrollment:
Complete the Current Student Registration Form (Student Data Form)
If your address has changed, please provide two (2) proofs of residency. One bill is required if your address has stayed the same, the bill must in the parent’s name showing the street address and dated within the last 60 days:
Student's Mississippi Immunization Form 121 (If your child is entering the seventh grade, a pertussis (Tdap) booster is now required if they have not received a Tdap vaccination since the age of seven)
A “Declaration of Residency Affidavit” is required when a student resides with their parent or guardian in a home or apartment not owned or leased in the name of the parent or guardian.
*Once the "Current Student Registration Form" has been submitted and completed, the school will send the registration code to the email you provided on that form.*