To develop competent, confident, responsible scholars who aspire to
reach their full potential.
O.M. McNair Middle School is dedicated to shaping the future of all students, by providing the tools and opportunities they need to grow and be successful, in a nurturing and compassionate environment.
● EVERY student meets growth with annual increases in proficiency and advance
● EVERY student reads on grade level
● EVERY student has effective Teachers and Leaders
● EVERY classroom fosters an environment of accountability and excellence.
● “B” Rating by MDE
Location Information:
910 Church Street
Belzoni, MS 39038
Grades Served:
5th - 8th
School History:
The first black school in Belzoni was established shortly after the 1900’s and named Belzoni Colored School. In 1946, Mr. O. M. McNair was employed by the Belzoni Colored School as principal and agricultural teacher. The school had a faculty of 12(five high school teachers, seven elementary teachers, and the principal).
In January of 1946 the school was destroyed by fire which left the children without a place to be educated but the community stepped in to provide buildings to educate its children. These buildings were Green Grove Baptist Church, Evans Chapel United Methodist Church, New Zion A. M. E. Church, St. Paul Church of God and Christ and Hill Temple #811(Elks Home).
The school was rebuilt in March of 1949. The building was located on the corner of Church and Fourth Street. After the school was rebuilt the students wanted to rename the school and it was named after Professor O. M. McNair. The school remained the school for African American students only until integration forced the class of 1971 to be the first class to merge with Belzoni High School to form Humphreys County High School.
McNair became the elementary school and remained the elementary school until recently being named McNair Middle School as it is known today.